Jobs in New Sparta - 18th Sept 2011


It is desired that workers in the construction of New Sparta also, have other roles to play, in the greater plan of Networking Greece’s 500,000 businesses and join in and enjoy the overall drive and thirst for further knowledge.

The first thing to note, is we have a big university, that can teach general un academic citizens arts of construction, and as such, experience in many areas is not a factor.

And as such, there are enough Greek citizens to fill the Million plus construction worker vacancies.

But offering a job and someone applying and taking it is something different, so we need to make ordinary Greek citizens, desire the position.

The fist thing to note is that, New Sparta is in general looking for applicants that have a relative or friend that owns a business in Greece, this person, will then spend 3 days doing construction and two days, working in the University with the think tank that is working on that business and business type.

This will lead to education in new area’s and eventually academic qualifications and given time, a degree.
At the same time, the people that build New Sparta, become the representative heart of the software to the Greek people