“The Spartan Theory” Book 1
"The American Butterfly"
“American Butterfly”

Before we get to the USA debt solution, we would like to point out that Union and tax cuts aside, all that you have read thus far is in line with the Democratic and Republican initiatives to assist the US economy.

President Obama & Vice president Biden:

1. $1,000 Tax Cut for Middle Class American Families.
S-World does not advise tax cuts until deficit is lowered

2. 2. Energy Rebates: Obama and Biden will enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits
All extra income sources or savings are useful

3. Create Jobs through Fair Trade
In line with EEE, S-World, businessbook & the concept of Network (Embassy) Cities

4. Create 5 Million Green Jobs
Completely in line with EEE proposals

5. New Jobs Through National Infrastructure Investment
Completely in line with EEE proposals

6. Creating Jobs in Technology & Innovation industries
Completely in line with EEE proposals

7. Support Small Business
Covered extensively in EEE proposals

8. Labor: Obama and Biden will ensure that labor appointees support workers' rights and will work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers.
S-World advises against this action due to reasons set out below*

9. Protect Homeownership and Crack Down on Mortgage Fraud
Addressed by Sienna.Gov financial software
Give a tax credit to all middle-class homeowners.
S-World does not advise tax cuts until deficit is lowered

10. Address Predatory Credit Card Practices
Addressed in “Customer Service ratings” monitored by Sienna.Gov financial software

11. Reform Bankruptcy Laws
Companies close to bankruptcy will be priority companies to be assisted and made strong in EEE

12. Work/Family Balance: Obama and Biden will help working families by doubling funding for after-school programs, expanding the Family Medical Leave Act.
EEE started with one mans promise to help single mothers.

Senator Romney

1. cutting taxes
S-World does not advise tax cuts until deficit is lowered

2. Free trade agreements
In line with EEE, S-World, businessbook & the concept of Network (Embassy) Cities

3. Promote domestic energy production,
Completely in line with EEE proposals (Alternate Energy)

4. Weaken labor unions
S-World supports this action due to the reasons set out below*

5. Boost worker training
Completely in line with EEE proposals

6. Seek a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.
We suggest that S-world is said constitutional amendment

In general, it appears that both Republican and Democratic parties are largely in line with all that is EEE, particularly President Obama’s initiates on “Green Jobs”, “National Infrastructure Investment”, “Creating Jobs in Technology & Innovation” & “Small Business Support”. However it needs to be noted that Precedent Obama’s initiates require substantial borrowing, where EEE needs none.

Tax cuts: Better to save a little today, so all can be prosperous tomorrow, we suggest waiting two years. In the long term however S-World suggests many tax cuts.

*Unions: With 23,300 US citizens looking for a job, creating the environment where you cannot replace inefficient, disruptive or lazy workers with enthusiastic ones is a terrible mistake. It is this action that brings businesses to their knees. Better one inefficient, disruptive or lazy worker let go, than loosing an entire business.

Most encouraging: Both parties see free trade as a good idea, this could not be more important in EEE

The Beautiful Butterfly Effect, (Sans PQS)

For us at S-World, this is the exciting part, this is where the mathematics becomes beautiful, and as such we can get a little over excited. The ripple effect of cash flow, from S-World to project, project to contractors, contractors to suppliers and staff and on and on, thousands of variables tens of millions of direct beneficiaries, hundreds of billions of indirect positive effects.

However without the PQS1.01 (predictive quantum software) we will not be able to calculate that degree of accuracy. This said, there is nothing new about the beautiful butterfly effect, and cause an effect of investment and cash flow, whether it is usually done simply by a bunch of clever people with spreadsheets or whether there is a basic version of the PQS in existence we can not say.

We can however make some targets, targets are exactly what they say, there is no point setting a low targets. So we at s-world are going to apply Angle Steve Job’s: “Reality Distortion Field”. This is how the engineers and designers working on the first Apple Mackintosh in the early 80’s described Steve’s unrealistic demands.

Earlier in 1975, in his first commercial partnership with Steve Wozniak, he tasked Wozniak with making a game for Atari. Jobs gave him four days and insisted it had far fewer chips that usual. “A game like that would take most engineers a few months!” Wozniak exclaimed. Steve Job’s put up his “Reality Distortion Field” and insisted, four days later a sleep deprived Wozniak had finished and used considerably less chips than requested.

The “Reality Distortion Field” will not work every time, but without it, Apple would not be No1. As such the S-World targets may seem impossible, but “even in failure we strive for perfection” (CB). Just to be on the safe side however, we will set targets that if half achieved will still leave the USA in a profitable situation.

Before we get going, a quick word on why the West is in such trouble, there are a few causes the main being population growth, 1960: 3 Billion, 2012: 7 Billion. With more people come fewer resources and more social security, since 1960 the standard of living in the west has stayed stable. We need to consider the problem, not in terms of money but in resources, our population is expanding quicker than our planet and technology can cope with.

EEE (The Ecological Experience Economy) is not about money, it is about addressing the resource gap. The first phase of “America Butterfly” creates 8 million homes, housing one in 12 US citizens. The alternate energy initiatives provide essential resources that are running out at an alarming rate. Free medicines will not just add comfort to those in pain, they will make the workforce stronger and happier. For all this however it is the millions of advances and developments that will be created in the universities that will bridge the resource gap.

And so it begins

The USA debt is currently at, $15,250 Trillion, the USA debt clock suggests if the problem is not addressed it will reach $24 Trillion by 2015

Rising by +/- 1.9 trillion each year

Estimated limit before loss of AAA credit rating $17 Trillion

Target 1: Make sure the USA does not loose its AAA credit rating and Debt to GDP Ratio stays below 100%
(predicted to occur by the end of 2012 by the Office of Management and Budget forecasts)

Achieved by

1. Land procurement from the USA Gov $0 to $4 Trillion over 4 years; we have no stats on availability of land in the government sector. Split the difference. $1 Trillion in 2012 another $1 Trillion by late 2013.
Result: $17 Trillion limit extended an extra year until 2014
2. Lowering the deficit by the methods to be described shortly
Result: $17 Trillion limit extended an extra year until 2015.
3. As deficit starts to decrease quickly or slowly confidence will be restored in the USA as the safest investment, as such the estimated limit before loss of AAA credit rating rises far above $20 Trillion.
Note: There are over 13,000 banking institutions in the world, the top ten alone are holding +/- $20 Trillion, its not about money its about confidence.
Result: As long as the USA continues to lower its deficit, there is no chance of it loosing its AAA rating.

Target 2: Make the USA profitable

So let’s have a look a few ways we will accomplish this,

1. Tax: Three years ago, the USA Gov stated they believed there was $350 Billion in unpaid tax. The system not only calculates and pays tax; it will do it in real time, thus creating additional cash flow.
It is highly likely, that there is a lot more that $350 Billion going missing, and this estimate was based on what they believed should have been collected using their current systems, not the total figure.
Without a referendum on compulsory usage it may take a handful of years before the majority of business use the Sienna.Gov software. However the PQS will be able to spot tax evaders within a couple of years.

4 year target tax yield up by $500 Billion

Note: all told, companies make and save a lot more revenue by using the software than they would loose by paying the correct tax. Further like all S-World actions opens the door to tax cuts for all.

Note 2: The New Sparta Greek model is to eliminate all payroll and VAT Tax! Working on the principal this will drive industry and increase corporation tax (assisted by “Give Half Back”. However Greece has only got 6 Million people, as such this model can not be considered in the USA. However as soon as the deficit goes down, tax cuts are warmly welcomed.

2. Medicare & Medicade $743 Billion: Every town or suburb, be it 1 sq km or 1000 sq km’s will have excellent hospitals, linked to the medical and pharmaceutical development sections of the university. In four years one would how to have a substitute drug for 90% of all Americans needs. Few would argue that we can half this figure so saving $370

3. Social Security, Unemployment, and Welfare $1,266 Trillion: 16 New Sparta Cities will house $31,244,288. Due to “Give Half Back” all welfare is covered as is schooling. My first priority is single mothers, (a promise I made, that started everything) plus there is a lot we can learn from children! Addressing this problem, is addressing the problems of the future. Qualifications or no qualifications, we have thousands of universities. And in my life, I’ve rarely seen any difference is a worker with or without an academic record.

Whole families on welfare second, that must be quite a burden on the state, if we consider half the residents will be working, we are directly creating 15.5 Million jobs that’s more than all the official unemployed.

Consider all the above I’d hope to take another $300 of the bill.

4. Oil, I may be out here, but it seems the USA spends about $450 Billion a year on importing Oil, I’ve been trying to work out how many Dams (Mountain not river, cant hurt the fish) it would take to cover this figure could it be done for $4 Trillion I wonder, if so the Oil companies will happily invest in such a venture, even at $8 Trillion its still a good deal considering they won’t have any oil left in 20 years and a properly constructed Dam will last for a hundred years.

The deal of course would be until the USA economy is nicely in profit, the power is for free.

Its possible here that we are looking at another $300

So far we are at $1,320 and we have not even considered the “American Butterfly”

5. Assessing the tax yield from the new EEE companies is tricky as we need to factor in the current USA companies that will join, which may be all of them, as such it will just be a transference.

We can however factor the companies that invested the $16,384 Trillion, and it would be naive to consider they would be generating less that $1 Trillion, however that may be business taken from another as such maybe $500 Billion is more appropriate.

One industry to consider is construction, construction companies will be extremely busy and would most likely generate an extra $200 Billion a year..

And we have broken the $2 Trillion mark at $2,020 Trillion.

6. Increased efficiency across the entire private sector due to software network and in general improved technology and think tanks from the universities.

$400 Billion seems like a nice figure to be debated.
7. In general the global recession being over, so trade and taxes are restored to pre recession levels

$400 Billion is about what the Wikipedia date suggests.

$2,820 Trillion.

8. Sienna.gov could do a lot more than just collect tax, I don’t wish to be obtuse, but from what I have seen the USA internal networks and financial software are shocking, I’ll refer to my notes

“2009: Ok in general they overspent by $400 Billion over the Budget which was $400B over income forecast which in return was over estimated by $600 Billion and somewhere they managed to spend another $400B on top which was the estimated deficit.”

This is not good, budgets need to be stuck to, forecasts need to be accurate and overspending in general is ill advised, the president, the party and congress, need very simple real time figures, if one is making a profit, great, if now, all hands to the pump, as opposed to looking at the figures a year after events and blaming the accountants.

I expect there is up to trillion to be saved and made if the USA were to use the software, but I’ll be safe and half that to $500 Billion

$3,420 Trillion.

And there we have it without, touching the defense or any discretionary budgets, we can half all estimates and still be strong, as we are yet to consider

The American Butterfly & Predictive Quantum Software.

Note building prices go up, and local schools have more cash and less students.

Note: universities concentrate on building economics