“The Spartan Theory” Part3
American Butterfly
(Beta Version: 1.01)

American Butterfly V: 1.01 is relatively proficient; its basic structure was created for business and a smaller country: Greece, where it was possible to create companies that would make 100% profit per year in terms of their initial investment. However in the larger model, greater internal competition is created as such the figures need to be reworked on a 25% profit basis, as such the “Give Half Back” initiative, will be less effective.

However in terms of solving the USA long term Medicaid/Medicare issue and bringing the USA Economy into profit and then into the black, this solution is still solid

For the sake of posterity, we have decided to present this as V: 1.01 the original beta version, we hope you enjoy the work; it is, as all say “intriguing”

American Butterfly demonstrates the solution to the USA debt crisis, whist written for the USA, a similar system can be applied to the Euro zone.

“American Butterfly” is so named as it is, in part influenced by “Chaos Theory” and the “Butterfly Effect”, in simple terms: Order out of Chaos and the ripple effect of investment and systems increasing profits & reducing spending whilst improving services.

This solution for the USA is to create profit, without adversely compromising citizen’s wellbeing, or the countries security. Any solution that looks to lower the deficit to a manageable figure will buy time and time alone as interest payments will soon become unmanageable, and Medicare/Medicaid unsustainable.

The last time the USA made a profit was in 1981, since this time the population has risen by 36%. At the heart of “American Butterfly” is the creation of over 10,000 Cities, towns and suburbs across the USA all including: Practical universities, educational centers & hospitals. Practical universities are not simply places to gain certificates; they exist to improve research and development in all fields whilst creating a GTN (Global Trade Network) operations centre.

When one discusses the USA debt problem, the only unit to be considered is a Trillion; the first phase of “American Butterfly” looks for just over $16 Trillion, which in the world of quantum mechanics is a small number. One of the problems we will encounter will be satisfying demand, as the investment will be oversubscribed. This however created the desire to invest and leaves enough cash flow to address the global economy.

Detail is provided later, for now consider these two statistics,

Besides the influence of “Chaos Theory”, there is little here that has not been done before or being developed now, as such all is possible, all has precedent.

• Bill Gates made a foundation to provide vaccines and serve the greater good
• First National Bank, South Africa, connected their bank to reservation software
• Travel GDS’s & the world trade centre have created small to medium “Global Trade Networks”
• Google created a virtual world that mirrors real life and renders real estate.
• Companies are currently considering making operating systems for televisions
• Stanford University created a practice university, now called Silicone Valley.
• From next to nothing in an arid area, Dubai was build and popularized.
• 17% of the world’s energy already comes from alternate sources.

If we add to and improve all these models, then hold them rigidly within a non chaotic economic structure, each bounces off each other, not becoming twice the sum of their parts, far more. The circle is continuous, possibly infinite, and that’s what makes the difference, this is what we call “The Beautiful Butterfly Effect”


“American Butterfly” describes the formula for a new economic system, the collective gathering and advancement of technology and medicines, plus an ecological initiative that desires most of the world energy produced in a “green” manor by 2027.

Before we go into details of the systems, business plans and investment models a very quick overview of what we wish to achieve.

Bring USA into profit.

We have targets, we have secondary targets, we have contingencies and we have worst case scenarios. As best we can see, there is no reason why our primary target cannot be achieved. However in our experience even the best laid plans succumb to inefficiencies of those that implement them. As such, if the primary target fails by 50%, the secondary target is still acceptable. If that target fails by 50% the contingency target is still acceptable, if the contingency target fails by 50% the worst case scenario still brings the USA into profit.

Further it needs to be considered, “American Butterfly” is largely the brainchild of one man, it is highly likely that when the USA’s brightest and finest assist “American Butterfly” will be improved. For this reason we are pressing for the primary target and will be deeply disappointed if it is not achieved,

Primary Targets desired by 2016,
1. Improved Tax Collection Plus $350 Billion
2. Medicare & Medicade Saving $350 Billion
3. Social Security, Unemployment, and Welfare Saving $300 Billion
4. Oil Dependence Saving $450 Billion
5. New companies paying tax Plus $200 Billion
6. Increased efficiency in the private sector Plus $400 Billion
7. Normal trading after recession Plus $400 Billion
8. Improved Government systems Saving $500 Billion

Note: All savings do not see a lessening of service.

Total $2.950 Trillion a year.

Physics, Software, Economics &

With millions of software designers and computer coders in the world, creating software is simple enough, the only factor is time. The hard part is working out what one wishes the software to achieve. A million people could code facebook; only one had the idea of how to make it special and how to popularize it.

As such what is being presented is “what we wish to achieve” and how to popularize it.

What do we wish to achieve?

1. Economic software that can predict the future
2. Financial software that removes human error from the accounting process
3. Business software that calculates and pays tax in real time
4. Networking software hard wired in to every database on the planet
5. Virtual software that brings the planet together
6. A monopoly on future computerized TV operating systems
7. Advanced CRM, business advisory, communications & psyche test software systems
8. Conscious software with a human brain equivalency of 107

All of the 8 specifications are “More than we know now”, add them all together and we create something wonderful.
The latter: “8. Conscious software with a human brain equivalency of 107"” simply indicates our desired to have 107 (100 Million) humans using the software to assist the network.

Parts 2 to 7 are all improvements or up scaling on existing technology covered in the larger presentation.

1. “Economic software that can predict the future” is however a new concept that needs to be explained.

First its name: Predictive Quantum Software (PQS) Predictive as it predicts economic trends and Quantum as it connects the very large (Global Gross GDP) to the very small (dollars and cents with a four point decimal place) +/-7017

1. What we want it to achieve.

Example: The UK government have recently given, the go ahead for a 32.7 Billion pound railway, predicted to make two pounds for every pound spent, this statistic however is debated!

Instead of $32.7 Billion consider $16 Trillion in infrastructure, construction & education: From project to supplier to worker, creating jobs, saving social security and stimulating the local economy. This is basic economic predictions that would be made for any government project. This is what we call “the beautiful butterfly effect” the ripple of cause and effect, action and reaction.

However add the frame work of core software:

“Financial software that removes human error from the accounting process”
“Business software that calculates and pays tax in real time”
“Networking software hard wired in to most databases on the planet”
“Advanced CRM, business advisory, communications & psyche test systems”
“Conscious software with a human brain equivalency of 107”

And one can track the ripple far further, the flow of money as its changes hands again and again, calculating the benefits of one investment over another, not in terms of immediate performance, rather long term economic growth. It will also spot threats, black holes where the money disappears, crime, fraud, tax evasion, gamblers, drugs, hording, terrorism etc. If the money stops, there will be a reason, and it can be investigated.

2. How it is possible:

In a little while we will go into some detail about the +10,000 thousands of new districts, towns and cities created, and the tens of millions of new jobs. For now just consider, all employees will be paid under the proviso they use credit/debit cards linked to the system, plus cash is frowned upon within the new residences, as such one can track the money. Not indefinably, but enough to give excellent data on spending patterns in the new territories, as the system grows, so will the data pool.

3. The non chaotic structure needed for it to work:

First we need to understand the basics of “Chaos Theory”, source Wikipedia:

Chaos Theory” dictates: “Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible”.

Economics is a primary field within “Chaos Theory” thus, long-term prediction has always been considered impossible.

Before we even consider the rounding errors, there is a far greater problem within economics: Millions of people = Billions of mistakes, as such the “financial software that removes human error from the accounting process” is the primary building block of the entire system, it’s easy enough to make, simply connect the financial programs to the banks, tailor it to every conceivable business type and have a colossal support crew.

As for the rounding errors, we simply need to change the way we count, to blocks of four, starting at $4 Billion, dividing down and multiplying up, then containing company earnings within the block, rounding internally.


“The Pressure of Profit” (POP)
Each block (bucket) indicates $4 Billion

Company profits are then frozen at a certain level, e.g. $4Billion, once achieved the excess flows into what we call a “Bucket” not to be touched until it is worth $4Billion at which point it is exchanged for land & real estate and a new company is formed, (same shareholders) after which the process repeats.

Thus we create a non chaotic economic structure, no human error, no rounding errors and predictable company profits (the company will always make $4Billion) The new company then grows at an accelerated rate as it still has the founder companies profit flowing into it.

Over time this creates a domino effect as new companies and towns are created faster and faster. Plus all companies are intrinsically linked; they cannot fail as one supports the other, we call this “The Pressure of Profit”, it is the foundation for what we call.

“Ecologically Protected Capitalism” (EPC)

There are two reasons for the name Ecologically Protected Capitalism, firstly we consider the new companies created by the POP system similar to layers of bark on a tree, each one protecting the initial layer, the second is the entire EEE (Ecological Experience Economy) project is based around protecting the planet, which despite the very left wing connotations associated with ecology, makes perfect sense from a scientific perspective, and to ignore science in life is very narrow minded, particularly in this day and age.

You will not find a “rated” scientist that will not tell you that nature, beauty and symmetry are the fundamental elements in progress, as such “American Butterfly” and its Greek predecessor “Sparta Rises Again” have followed natures path, and been inspired by the creative process, being conducted largely via the author walking through nature, puzzling at problems and working on solutions.

As such we use the title for the money making process “Ecologically Protected Capitalism” as it is in natures interest to protect the project, as such it is in the earth’s interest to protect the project and with other life in the universe looking less and less likely, it is in the universe’s to protect the project. As such Ecologically Protected Capitalism, or if you prefer “Universally Protected Capitalism”

Whether there is any genuine protection from Gaia theory and the like, remains to be seen, it is however something nice to consider and has been well considered, all be it thus far only creatively connecting “Gaia theory”, “The Theory of Relativity”, “Space Time”, “Super Symmetric String Theory”, “Chaos theory” &“Quantum Mechanics” as the diagram bellow indicates.

Recently and without mathematical dispute scientists broke the speed of light which is impossible as it requires infinite energy, the only credible explanation is within super symmetrical string theory which states there are 6 or 7 more dimensions than our current 4 (width, height, depth and time) where time is a constant. It is claimed that a set or 3 or 4 dimensions has no light and as the neutrinos (very small particles) passed through it, there was no resistance so they sped up.

To help one consider, we have replaced the unknown dimensions with known quantities, it is said the dimensions lie together like slices of bread. As the neutrinos only sped up by a few nanoseconds The dimension set must be incredibly small and as such it must be well ordered, or “without chaos’: we consider this dimension, as a dream, as dreams rehire no light, and as such we consider the possibility of consciousness and further the development of consciousness in evolution.

Much like most significant scientific discoveries including Einstein’s theory of relativity (E=MC2) many of the breakthroughs in EEE have come as consciousness experiments revolving around beauty, which is better described scientifically as symmetry, the authors’ consciousness experiment being specific to prove the continuing existence of his daughter Sienna’s consciousness. As such we have a thin argument that Ecologically Protected Capitalism is not just a name based on POP and the layers of bark on a tree, but actually a genuine force that states if one follows nature and protects it one will be more successful.

The pressure of profit (POP)

The more new companies are founded, the faster the flow of profit, in the diagram by 2023 the founding has created 9 new companies. With the profit of 9 companies flowing into the 10th it may well generate $4Billion in profit within a month, thus making enough for another land acquisition, thus creating more jobs, universities, operations basses and hospitals, as such continually increasing tax revenues whist lowering government spending requirements.

However companies may well choose a different road, the third company formed may decide to look at a long term alternate energy project, using most of the profit from companies “A” and “B” to assist with a gigantic solar energy project in the Nevada Desert. This will slow up company expansion, but in the long term create a very solid income source, everyone will always need energy, and with millions upon millions of citizens working on improving solar technology, in the long term, it may be the most profitable of all the companies.

“POP” Protection, (Ecologically Protected Capitalism)

In this above example we show many companies expanding simultaneously with the profit flowing from the founder companies outwards, all companies are protected by each other, all with the exception of the “outer rim” or what we call “the edge of chaos” all companies are predictable, all will make $4Billion, if one under performs it has the profit of the others flowing through it, the only vulnerable companies are at the “Edge of Chaos”

Creating conglomerates of 16 companies in either complimentary industries or a global spread, creates greater strength, in some cases expansion will only occur after all founder companies reach their POP limit and their collective bucket is full. This will be more the case for smaller conglomerates, for instance 16 individual companies with a POP limit of $953,674 creating a $30,517,587 conglomerate which connects to a further 15 conglomerates making $488,281,250 and so on.

The initial founder companies have virtually no cost as manpower is provided by the University, shops offices, factories are covered by infrastructure budgets. All will be part owners of the “Global Trade Network” all will get to choose their partners, and all will be able to choose industries that gain orders from the collective. As such, all will be profitable, if for any reason one falters, immediately the resources of the universities and collective ordering will be applied, and in a lost case scenario money can be diverted from what we call “Give Half Back”

Nature is the inspiration for much of the work in “American Butterfly”; consider the POP process like a tree, each year creating another layer of bark. The tree itself grows leaves which produce oxygen, much like company staff get paid and produce revenue, the oxygen mixes with Hydrogen and becomes water that then feeds the trees roots and it grows, in the same way staff spend money on goods and grow the economy. However in this model, we have included a safety buffer called “Give Half Back” to protect the company and staff.

“Give Half Back”

Besides making a solid political slogan, “Give Half Back” is the economic machine that keeps the wheels of EEE (Ecological Experience Economy) moving.

The concept started in March 2011 when EEE creator “Nick Raymond Ball” made the noble decision to give all the proceeds made from the original “Global Trade Network” to good causes after VIRGIN had assessed and approved the business plan and financials. The deal was to be 50/50 so with VIRGIN keeping 50% and Nick Ray Ball investing the other 50% in humanity, so came the collective name “Give Half Back”

The financials VIRGIN approved showed a $50 Billion return, a drop in the ocean in terms of the “American Butterfly” presentation, but still in human terms a significant amount. The PR value was of course immense. However following the example made by Bill Gates a system was developed that was far more efficient that just charity donation.

This example starts after Feeder Company 1 has been formed; this happened as soon as its founder company made $4 Billion in profit and exchanged it for Land & Real estate and funds for its University (Research & Operations Centre)

In the above example “Founder Company 1”, generates $4Billion after tax in one year, 50% goes into “Feeder Company 1” and is added to whatever profit it makes. 25% of company profit is returned to the original investors as $1 Billion in dividends. The balance is split between the founder companies operations (University) and its Real Estate holdings (explained later)

The funds to the “University” pay for staff, research & development: “Special Projects” create long term investments, brand awareness and PR. It is to be noted that all within reason technological advances and developments created in the tens of thousands of universities are available to all EEE companies. All medical alternate energy and agriculture developments are free to the world.

The funds to the “City” ensure their real estate holdings are continually improved and the citizens that live there are well looked after. With a population cap of 8192 people per $4 Billion property investment if only one in three people were at work, there is change from the social security budget if each received $20,000 a year.

The Medi Outreach program provides hospital care for citizens in the local vicinity, thus solving the undisputed long term threat to the USA economy: The cost of Medicare & Medicaid.

The Municipality budget pays for the running of the town’s, cities and districts.

The Improvements & Acquisitions budget see’s the Real Estate and Land continually improved and exceptionally well maintained. Any money left over from the other three budgets gets added to this budget, this budget can be used for purchasing property off site.

“Give Half Back” has come a long way since its original name “The Sienna Foundation” and its intent to assist mothers who had lost their children. It has become a new economic system, which in one way is for the people and socialism, and is in another for companies and capitalism, forcing companies into good business practices such as securing their companies with land acquisitions, in a similar vein to McDonalds and creating a social security network for their employees so encouraging loyalty.

The open source nature of the research enables companies to adapt to change, and journey into avenues they would not previously have been able to pursue. Further with an even technological playing field, running a successful company becomes a race for perfection in service, experience, value and strong leadership.

Now we are starting to see the economic picture, we have never ending, infrastructure and construction stimulation, creating jobs and cash flow where ever a company is based. As the children, elderly, infirm are taken care of by the companies; there is no need for social security or welfare with any EEE town, cities or suburb. The money for the university creates more jobs and drives innovation, and the combined technological advances of all universities sharing technology, speeds up innovation in general. It is this advanced learning system, which will ultimately make the difference.

The Universities: “Global Trade Network”

As we have just read, 50% of all “Give half back money” goes to the universities or “Special Projects”, a perpetual state of mass funding, which can only grow bigger as new advances and technologies are developed to aid the companies that created them.

Before this process we see the initial investment round, 25% of all investment is destined for the universities. Over $4 Trillion for the USA, ring fenced over 8 years, the additional revenue from “Give Half Back” either a top up or “Special projects” allowance.

If we consider at least 50% of the $500 Billion a year, is earmarked for salaries, this would pay for 5 million teachers $50,000 a year. However, the university is not simply an educational establishment.

A number of years back when the question of climate control was put to President Bush, he answered by exclaiming that the USA would tackle the problem via technology. Few would argue that such an enormous budget will create many ways to improve not only our economy but our planet.

It is desired to have only 20% of staff as teachers, the balance being made up of scientists, economists, academics, business analysts, and a lot of paid interns in a continual state of learning, whilst collectively working on “The Global Trade Network”, or as we wish to call it “businessbook”

Note: Interns are not simply college graduates; we are equally interested in retirees and those that have been caught in a rut, dependent on social security and in general bored. Single mothers regardless of their academic background, and families in depressed areas that wish to work, are specifically identified. And with over 10,000 new Cities, towns and suburbs planned, there will be few if any places in the USA that are not in reach of a EEE university. Construction workers will be contracted directly by EEE obliged to work 28 hours a week in construction and spend 2 days in the universities.

50% of all time spent at the universities will be spent on the GTN “Global Trade Network” and associated software. This time will largely be spent in one to one relationships between the campus and the businesses it supports, initially networking and customizing the software to businesses specific needs, then group think tanks will analyze the data and offer the CEO’s or designated handlers advice on opportunities and threats. This process will never end; businesses will be analyzed and advised forever.

The end game of the Global Trade Network, as the name suggests is to create a one stop shop for global commerce, as such a restaurant owner in Houston can collectively order beverages with everyone else on the network, thus lowering bottom line costs across the board. This function or idea is not new, in travel there are “GDS’s” (Global distribution Systems) the top 4 manage just under half of all hotel, flights and car hire bookings, levying a per transaction fee between $1 to $4. The “GTN” will however work on a percentage basis, the rate yet to be determined, depending on needs.

The rest of automated bookings travel bookings are handled by “ADS’s” (Alternate Distribution Systems) which until recently could not be networked as the databases were incompatible. Technology however has now advances to a stage where the vast majority of databases, travel or otherwise can now be communally networked via API links (Application Programming Interface)

Networking businesses is not as simple as social networking, databases need to be connected together by API connections, and one single business may need 10,000 such connections. Thousands of people and companies will be aware that the technology now exists, and within ten maybe twenty years, there will be a “GTN”.

The reason thus far no one company has seriously considered creating it, is a case of manpower and the willingness of companies to be globally networked. The universities are desired (Globally) to house 100 million people by providing the manpower; the willingness comes from both the humanitarian and ecological initiatives of the “GTN” and its economic stabilization purpose.

A GTN of some sort is inevitable, better it’s used in this fashion, for these purposes than simply being created for one Standalone Company to become monstrously rich. As such the public, companies and countries across the world will welcome it. “It will work, because everyone will wish it to work”

Equally as important is the human and financial aspect, the “GTN” is further specified to run the financial departments of businesses, alleviating fraud, costly human error eliminating the need for most or all administration staff and accountants and auditors.

Sometimes the software alone will recommend opportunities and warn of threats, at other times the think tanks will work in tandem with business owners. If a business in France has become very successful via implementing a new technology or purchase from a new network, it would make sense for the business advisory team in Chicago, to analyze the data to see if it would work for similar business types in their district. At the end of the day, the better each business performs the more money for “Give Half Back” and the less pressure on government’s budgets.

Within the universities the remaining 50% of the time, will be spent on research, innovation and learning in general: Alternate energy and desalinization processes will be a main focus, alongside this building economics and logistics will lower the price of the developments thus making them more attractive for investors. Medicine, vaccines & pharmaceuticals development will be championed with results given freely to the world.

Within each university or territory will be a state of the art hospital the larger towns and cities will have “Super University Hospitals” alongside research laborites, initially the hospitals will do its best to take care of not just the EEE Company’s staff and district residents, but all that are near. With a midterm view of catering to all that are in need, this is not only good PR, it makes excellent economic sense, as sick people are not productive.

With over 10000 hospitals desired and free medicine, vaccines & pharmaceuticals, not only are we improving care, we are cutting hundreds of billions of government spending.

Location, Location, Location
(Identical homes can increase or decrease in value due to location.) (Ref)

In the last section we heard that 25% of the initial investment money goes to schools & universities, which in themselves are arguably the largest factor in creating a desirable location, added to which from the very beginning, immense resources will be put into building logistics, town planning, architectural excellence, intelligent software to run the towns, cities and houses within, and in general making the towns, cities and suburbs luxury resorts with maximum desirability.

The balance of the investment (75% - $12 Trillion) is spent on creating the perfect location, as such for every $4 Billion spent, between $4 Billion to $12 Billion of sellable real estate, shops and offices will be created.

This, too many will be the single most important factor, it’s not a hard stretch of the imagination to consider, the future of business and technology is in the hands of those with tens of trillions of dollars to spend on research and development, but that’s in the future.

Creating an immediate investment return, in one the safest investments known to man (bricks and mortar) in the most desired country in the world (USA) plus the technological bells and whistles that goes with it, creates not just a good investment, but a jaw dropping must have, please, please, please give me options.

The following shows a 25% land, 25% infrastructure, 25% building funds allocation; this may be adjusted to best suit the profitability of the development, for example: 20%, 20%, and 35%.

25% land procurement:

When discussing land development, we will discuss in the terms of plots, whist we generally measure EEE companies in terms of $4Billion, when it comes to “plots” we work in Company earnings of $1 Billion. As such one plot is the equivalent of $1 Billion in company investment and earnings and is made to handle +/- 2000 people. 25% land procurement is equal to $250 Million.

The main factor in land procurement is the balance of nature, all new towns or districts need to be an ecological improvement, with large parklands and gardens.

The exact size of the land and development will vary depending on initial desirability points, a coastal district in California, may see $250 Million acquiring 1km2 plots, whereas most areas will see $250 Million acquiring 4km2. Where ever a $250 Million plot is purchased a zoning restriction will apply, the object to limit residential housing to cater for +/-2,000 citizens. This is important due to the “Give Half Back” social security and municipal spending budgets.

It is also essential that all developments end up lowering carbon emissions; this will be largely achieved by using an alternate energy source, energy efficiency, large parkland spaces, large gardens & roof gardens.

In most areas of the USA $250 Million buys an awful lot of land, in many cases instead of 4km2, 32km2 will be purchased, as such as the cities expand, land will not inflate due to the increased desirability of the location. This also has the effect of making future developments costs lower to +/- 10% for land and the initial company can make $100 million from each new development, thus further increasing their profits.

Initial plot size is not limited to 4km2 all be it larger plots will put a strain on the initial infrastructure budget, however there is nothing to stop the founder company opting for 8km2, largely leaving half alone to be developed into a golf estate or even a ski resort at a later point, so long as there are not more houses there are no restrictions, (hotels and short term rental accommodation is permitted.)

Moving forwards, with an initial $16 Trillion development creating ecologically balanced housing for 32,786,000, the bigger picture sees the provision for the luxurious and ecologically balanced housing of 266,144,000 USA citizens, which is necessary considering current population growth statistics.

Note: We have been very careful, not to suggest any measures that need legislative change; however we desire two factors to be considered, especially in high crime areas.

1. Compulsory carrying of GPS ID cards, this will all but eliminate crime, a budget for CCTV cameras covering all communal areas has been included. Said cameras could spot any person moving that did not carry a GPS ID card.
2. No lethal weapons allowed in EEE districts.

25% infrastructure:

$250 Million is available per 1km2 to 4km2 plot, larger plots will require more infrastructure in terms of roads, railways etc. However the amount of extra infrastructure is not proportional to the plots size, due to the desire for larger plots to contain large expanses of park and woodland, and larger gardens for houses. Further the larger plots will not be in prime areas, where often construction is less expensive.

$250 Million will create excellent essential infrastructure and services: Roads, cycle tracks, motorways, railways, water pipes & sewers, traffic lights, CCTV cameras, electrical grid, water works, hospital, emergency services, schools, crèches, Montessori schools, university campus, university residences, community services, parkland and an alternate power source.

Note on alternate power source: In some or many cases it may not be possible to contain the power source within or near the plot, in which case funds will be allocated to the nearest available source and a credit system will be enacted. In the case of plots that do not predict an ecological benefit via their creation, more alternate power will need to be created and sold to the local community until the balance with nature is restored. Where ever possible, plots will seek to create more power than they require so feeding the local community.

A typical founding town/district infrastructure budget based on a $1 Billion investment, and a (4KM2):

1. Housing areas (2KM2): Roads, Pavements, Sewers, Pipes, Electrical, Lights & CCTV = $45 Million

2. Parkland (1KM2): Plants, Soil, Earthworks, Irrigation, Paths, Tracks, lights, CCTV = $20 Million

3 a. Commercial area basic infrastructure (1KM2) Roads, Pavements, Sewers, Pipes, Electrical, Lights & CCTV = $30 Million

3 b. Alternate Power = $10 Million

3 c. Equipped Municipality: Waterworks, Sewage Refinery, Reservoirs, Fire Station, Police Station, Council Offices, Community Building, Schools, Crèches, Montessori schools: $45 Million

3 d. Equipped Campus: Rooms, Labs 5* Hospital, 5* Student & Teacher residences = $50 Million

3 e. Downtown & Shopping Mall: Commercial, Retail & Offices = $50 Million
Founding company, sells next plot for $150 Million of which $50 Million is to bolster Municipal services, $50 to $100 is for luxury “WOW” items (Stadiums, Ski etc) the balance (up to $50) is to add to the Commercial district or Campus.
Any overspends in initial infrastructure costs will be recouped from company profits before POP.

As such we have universities, schools, hospitals, ecology, green power, jobs, luxury projects, park land, social security, zero crime tolerance, state of the art Infrastructures and many attractions. The words: Location, Location, Location duly considered.

25% Building: (may increase to 40%)

Building Costs vary by over 50% depending in where you are building in the USA, due to cost of materials labor and in general the cost of living in the vicinity.

The cost of land verses build cost also varies, however by a far higher percentage, for instance, in 2011 the average Ohio home costs $150,000 where the land is valued at $8,000 and the construction $195,000. Compare this to California where the average home costs $434,000, the structure $142,000 and the land just $238,000 It is also worth nothing that the same house in California in 2001 cost $751,000 where the land cost $587,000 the structure $163,000.

Please Note, when estimating land purchase prices, figures were based on 2006 plus prices, as news of a $4Trillion land purchase will push prices up, quite possibly to double their current worth. This has significant economic advantages.

The figures quoted for structural costs are for building or rebuilding an individual house, there will be debate of course as to exactly what percentage building cost is lowered in a half billion dollar project, strategically monitored by economists, logistical experts and businesses analysts. Few however would argue that the productivity would increase by 50% as such if an individual house built by a local builder that build is worth $100,000 for the same cost in mass, with a building logistics and analytics team the value would be at least $150,000.

Below we have made a demonstration of a typical plot, total spend $1Billion 25% university, 25% infrastructure, 30% building allowance and 20% land. The land price is based on a beautiful ranch land in California with mountain views. Where the company purchased 32 KM2 of which it is building its development on 4KM2 the other 7 plots to be sold to later projects. As the land came in at 20% of budget, the building allowance is 30%, so $300,000,000 however as we are assuming, the cost of construction on mass is 50% more productive than a single property, we have raised the build value to $450 Million.

Each plot is desired to house +/- 2000 citizens, in the USA the average house hold’s 2.6 people, as such we are limiting houses to 770, we are splitting these houses into 2 groups with a leafy, luxurious 512 Acre estate, 500 houses are for sale as normal, 270 are only for sale to EEE workers at the University, Hospitals or on the Construction sites, such houses will become a part of a long term contract, as such they will only provide residual income yearly.

Currently the average California home’s land value is 20% more than its build, for now we have just used an even measure, and will discuss the land value merits later.

Here are the first 500 houses, including a description, their size and the quantity of each house type

This represents a good starting block valuation for an off plan development, with the cheapest house just above the Californian average.

Considering our Location, Location, Location directive, the schools, hospitals, universities, and many other luxuries and “WOW” items still to be added, just above average sounds perfectly reasonable. Also consider the land price should have been 20% more, and if escalated back to the 2006 California house land ratio of 280% under normal economic conditions, the value of homes should go up by 140%

Now the community houses

Nowhere near the income, and spread over 16 to 24 years, however these houses will be tied to works contracts: E.G we have a university, and we are attracting those that could not usually afford the tuition fees. It takes about 7 years to train a doctor, who will usually go on to earn between $200,000 and 400,000 a year. Without EEE and the education the doctor would never be, but expecting loyalty on asking said doctor to work for a more reasonable salary will lead to disappointment. Peg said doctor to the house and a 16 year contract, where if they leave they lose their house, will see salary costs halved, as such savings over $2 million can be made for essentially selling a house at cost price and providing education.

Another example would be construction workers, who average $26,000 a year; we offer a 20 year contract at that rate plus inflation, plus increases for new skills acquired. $10,000 a year however goes to pay for Villa#1, without interest. Our construction workers work about 30 hours in the field and 15 in the universities, studying and working on the building economics. A construction worker, working on a site, will be as useful as a logistical mathematician in a think tank, about how to improve the performance of that site.

Over the years, the Construction worker improves his skill sets, but salary goes up half pro rata to what it would, however considering over the 20 years he or even she has spent the equivalent of 10 years at university, said worker will no doubt finish with a degree and owning his/her own house. Chances are after 10 years or less, they will be offered alternate employment, maybe even as a banker, if that is their untapped potential. Construction workers may move from EEE village to village, even work abroad following the sun. Having a construction worker motivated in this way, will make for a far better atmosphere and work ethic on the sites. Besides construction workers there will be many unskilled jobs suitable for women, who can follow the same path.

As for the construction companies, they will of course be EEE and a part of the development they are building, the average house gets built at a 20% mark up, but many firms try for 40%. In EEE 20% will be the maximum margin, with a 5% contingency. However a 10% bonus will be given if a house sells for 110% of its baseline valuation. Further a sliding scale on higher prices, and a 5% residual on resale if over purchase price. This all adds up to between 30% to 40% or more. As such with a $16 Trillion initial investment, all companies are guaranteed to make about pro rata $6 trillion in profit from their building partners alone, (more on this later). Of course, such motivation makes the entire team from company to university to individual laborers very conscious of the need for excellence.

Added to the income made from the houses, will be the income made from selling Office, commercial and retail space, paid for out of the infrastructure budget, along with rent for the campus residences and profit made from luxury infrastructure projects.
All in all, initially at recession rates there is over $1, Billion in Real Estate at off plan prices, plus 7 more 4KM2 plots to sell.
This is of course just one scenario, there will be many other designs, the bottom line is simple, if you spend 75% of a budget directly on a building project and use the other 25% to make sure it’s done financially efficiently and providing labor, you will make a profit, otherwise others would not build developments.

Add our story, our aid to the economy and the citizens of the USA in general and we have an exceptionally branded development, as such it will make more than usual developments.

Further add a return to normal economic conditions and estimates of 100% profit are reasonable, as such for the investors $1Billion, they get back $1Billion, plus they have the extra land.

When we come to States such as Ohio and Iowa, a different model will have to be used, as land value and property prices are substantially lower. Cities in these states are of course essential, possibly more essential than the richer states, in terms of urban development and Medicare/aide/welfare. One idea is to make plot sizes bigger, 32KM2 with initially 256KM2 of land purchased, with a more long term view of a rebalance in desirability due to EEE as such eventually the land purchase will be become a substantial asset.

One could make a presumption, that EEE and the network would be more warmly accepted in these states, as such with a willing populous of 11,500,000 in Ohio and 3,000,000 in Iowa we could see these two states as centers of EEE in the future, possibly with many “Cities of Science” they could become, centers of global innovation. As for the next 1000 years land is essentially free.

This could follow across all the light Green states as marked above, as geographically they have as much to offer as other states, particularly Ohio with its strategic placement in the North east and large coastal land.

As for the architecture and city planning for all EEE territories, we present S-World Virtual World & Operating System.

Introducing S-World

S-World was envisaged in 2000, by 2002 it had developed into the world’s first “Flash” virtual tour, a year later it was offered a dedicated digital TV channel. However without a connection to a Global Trade Network it could not make money, so the project was shelved.

9 years later, the basic concept is much the same, display the world over the internet and on TV in beautiful intriguing manor, whilst introducing products for people to buy. The financial opportunities and popularization techniques however have evolved.

The single most significant popularization technique is that we can all “Teleport to GPS”, within a social networking environment, one has the ability to jump (teleport) across the globe to wherever their friends may be. If they were on a yacht in St Tropez at the touch of a button, one could find yourself on a very realistic 3D representation of the yacht, placed next to the avatar of your friend. From here you can look around the yacht or go for a walk around St Tropez harbor, the only difference being the shops which are operated by S-World business partners. (“EEE” businesses). In the larger “American Butterfly” presentation an example of how one such shop or business can grow to a billion dollar industry via affiliate marketing is presented.

Shopping aside, the travel and real estate possibilities are endless, instead of looking at a handful of carefully chosen photographs displayed on a standard website, S-World presents a complete walkthrough, show such details as the view from every window. The presentation will further become a portfolio for the properties with detailed media, films, interviews and guest comments. In the not too distant future the majority of travel options will be chosen via S-World and the majority of real estate will be shortlisted.

S-World however has a more immediate task: Initially its primary is rendering the developments. Before a brick is laid, the entire city, town or district will be available to be seen in a beautiful 3D representation in exceptional detail.

First comes the city design and infrastructure, not only created to provide the aesthetics, but further as a map from which the universities building logistics and economics departments can start to optimize. S-World will be open source; quite possibly assimilated to the easy rendering game “The Simms” as such the planners alongside their own visions will be presented with hundreds of templates, from which they can refine to a handful to send to the companies, for their comments and amendments.

Next comes the residential areas, whether houses are sold on, given to executives, swopped for properties in other territories or rented, often an individual house design will be chosen and amended to the new owners particular tastes. As the engineering plans will be made at the university it opens up house template designs not just to exceptional architects but to graphic designers, artists, gamers with artistic flair or the man or the woman in the street . If it’s engendered correctly and looks good, does it really matter who made the plans.

As such the purchaser will have tens of thousands of house designs available to them; all will value ratios for resale, all of which can be easily modified by the purchaser, if one wishes to remove a wall, it is highlighted and deleted and the build cost amended, if one wants a different swimming pool, a selection of hundreds are available. If one wished, one could design the entire house, villa or mansion from scratch.

Not only does this give the purchaser, his or her perfect house type, it makes it fun, it engages the client.


S-World TV is designed to be the public face of EEE (Ecological Experience Economy). Film and media companies are desired to set up studios within the towns and cities, the studios and editing suites paid for via the infrastructure budget. Such companies will often form parts of companies as loss leaders, (they are not required to make a profit). Besides such company’s usual offerings companies will make TV films and series about what is going on and the vision of the future we wish to achieve.

Product placement is a far more effective adverting tool than simply paying for commercial space, further having an abundance of material produced by companies that are not required to make profit, allows for a large bouquet of channels that can be aired for free on by the associated S-World media companies. Indeed many programs will only be screened on associated S-World media companies, as such if one wished to watch the latest shows, one needs to sign up to an s-world media company.

More exciting is the inevitable combination of TV’s and computers, some in 3D. All such systems will need an operating system, considering the 3D nature of S-World business network, the same technology can be used to create an interactive operating system connected to all networks, home shopping, every TV channel on the planet, facebook, Google and all the other functions a computer has, presented in a simple way that can be controlled via a remote.

It is S-World’s intention to create a total monopoly on computerized TV’s, not one offering, many, Apple, Windows are desired as core EEE partners and will of course have their own idea’s, so long as they incorporate the S-World virtual world, and offer screen services from EEE media partners. In the Far East I’m sure there will be separate companies joining in the operating systems race, again so long as they use the S-World services all are welcome.

A monopoly of the media is of course a bad thing; S-World is not monopolizing the media, just the delivery method.

Suburb, Town & City Locations

It is not our right to dictate in any way, where developments should go, rather offer advice, even then at this stage there are many variables to consider, as such our advice is to be tacken with a lot of leeway for change. There are however both practical and economic factors to consider, fortunately both of which seem to point in much the same direction.

First the basics, “American Butterfly” was based on the Greek “New Sparta” model which is one gigantic new city, at an investment cost of $1,024 Trillion, containing 16 separate “sub cities” with four 16km2 towns, with additional parkland.
The USA model is to create the equivalent of 16 such cities all be it largely separated into individual parts. For the “Global Trade Network” and business advisory service to be most effective and grow quickly, an “EEE” presence is desired within 30 Km’s of any USA business.

Economically this is by far the most effective strategy, each presence will provide schooling and hospital care for the community at large, employment will be created in all areas, all struggling businesses across the USA will have assistance and be nursed back to health, and all other businesses will have support and the opportunity to immerse them within the network.
This method is also a fairer method, not simply picking prime affluent locations, a complete unbiased regeneration of all counties in the USA. It further makes logistical sense as finding smaller pieces of land is easier than larger. Smaller development spread around the country will not over saturate the market for building supplies and labor. Further it will not over saturate the market of new available housing, which would lower the desirability as supply would out strip demand.

The below spreadsheet highlights on possible split of EEE cities, the $1B Plots will usually be 4KM2 with the company purchasing a further 7 such plots, not necessarily adjacent to each other.

In total 5,887 “places” in the USA, However the larger towns and Cities will not be fully connected, around New York for instance there isn’t enough land, as such if one wished a Category 3 City of 128 plots, and they would have to be split, into many smaller plots circling the city. As such we are looking at closer to 8,000 “places’ roughly equal to 2.5 per county, of more importance is no house, town, farm or city will be further than 20 Miles from an EEE district, hospital, school or university, and in reverse no businesses will be more than 20 miles from a “GTN” (businessbook) team.

Next we see how a $4Billion investment block may be split, this relates to a corporate company or large business.
We will work in units of $125 Million, and use the category numbers as illustrated in the spreadsheet above. We have simplified the workings so each billion buys 1KM2 as mentioned earlier this could in reality equal 4KM2 or more.

Here we see spread across the USA, you will notice yellow GTN village is only a one eighth full, within the midterm strategy however it is only a 1/32 full, as over time it is desired to expand. The initial 1KM2 signifies the initial $16 trillion round; before we address this however let us look at the other companies that are desired to join.

The first corporate investor is joined by a second in a complimentary field, wherever possible one will be a technology company. The primary functions of the first two companies are to asses and recruit local companies and individuals into the collective. This can be considered a hearts and minds exercise. Companies recruited will of course be first to be networked and where needed advised of threats and opportunities.

Opportunities arise in many forms, for the developers, the construction contract, for all the opportunity to set up offices and shops in the new village, they will after all have received real estate and many will consider shop or office space as opposed to property.

This initial round may take two years it may take two months, the categories far from set in stone.

Phase 2, 3 and 4

The most notable aspects of phase 2, 3 & 4 are “Incorporated Companies”, “New Ventures” and POP companies.

Incorporated companies, are either local companies that are troubled and assisted, for such assistance, they need to become incorporated and follow the POP profit limit. Once they have reached their target profit cap (filled there “bucket”). This is exchanged for land, from which point onwards they act in the same manner as companies that made an initial investment. The same principal applies for local companies that are successful, but cannot afford the initial investment. In both cases, like all EEE companies it is in everyone’s best interest to assist the companies where ever possible and advice from the universities is offered.

“New Ventures” works in the same way as above, however in this instance companies are started from scratch

“POP” companies, local international and USA based, simply indicated a company has reached its POP limit, filled its “bucket” and decided upon expansion to invest into this particular “EEE” venture/town.

Please note: considering alongside the new “EEE” town, comes hospitals, schools, universities, business assistance, social security and in general a nice place to visit, the local community will warm to its presence, as such the entire local business community could assimilate within a few years.

Further: The businesses mode above with the phase one alone coming from the initial investment, sees expansion 3 time’s if this were the case across the USA, it would create far more economic benefits.

“Cities of Science”

The smaller cities universities will concentrate on teaching the local community how to assist the local community, learning computer science, networks, economics, business analysis, nursing, doctoring, and in general whatever the local communities needs and specializes in.

The larger cities however will be more dedicated to technological and medical advances; it will be here where the core software and systems are developed. The more technological superiority and advances in general, the better our EEE companies and the better for the world.

With the combined infrastructure budgets, “Cities of Science” will be modern day marvels, offering every attraction and every different type of experience imaginable, they will become busy tourist attractions, and will see scientists and academics traveling from City to City across the world experiencing and living life to its fullest.

Network City

The concept of a network city is simple, whether its welcome is not for us to say

A network city could be better named and embassy city, it is linked to the biggest “City of Science”. Its simple model allocates 2KM2 or 4KM2 to each of the 196 countries, and maybe a few extra for people without a nation, the Kurdish for instance, such an action could help stabilize various regions.

Of the 4KM2 one quarter is given to the country to build a lavish embassy, one quarter is sold to pay for the lavish embassy and infrastructure, the rest remains as parkland placed around the district and flooded with trees, as such making all embassy towns self contained.

In an ideal world, all countries would have the same amount of land, so as to give a balance, however if additional money is needed one can sell extra land.

Small Businesses Tax and Jobs

Entrepreneurism is ingrained into the American psyche; the United States is home to 29.6 million small businesses. By the time they reach retirement age half all USA Citizens will have been self employed for over a year, a quarter for over six years. 70% of jobs created over the last decade were from small businesses. Of the 154.4 million employed individuals in the US, small businesses are the largest employer representing 53% of US workers, however just under half of small businesses fail within 5 years!

Why do nearly half of USA entrepreneurs fail? What impact does this have on the economy and what can be done about it?
Before we consider this, we need to appreciate that a 50% failure rate over 5 years in global terms is very good. It effectively indicates that over half succeed, however for those that did not, it not only indicates the loss of a business, but often one’s life dream, all their savings, their kid’s education, in many cases the breakup of their family. There are many social ill effects of businesses failing.

To make matters worse, the business failing is rarely the fault of the entrepreneur rather, their advisors, and or lack of advisors.

However before we consider this, let’s consider the impact to the economy if we took 5 year failure rate down from 50% to 25%.

155 million employed individuals, of whom 77.5 Million started their own businesses, (50%) 38.75 million of them failed. Cutting that down to 25% would equate to 19.375 more small businesses. A small business is defined as having less than 20 employees and more than one, as such if the failure rate came down from 50% to 25%, there would not be enough workers in the entire country (including illegal’s) to fill the posts.

How to achieve a 25% reduction in small business failures, and whist S-World is unreservedly a bipartisan presentation, it’s worth highlighting that a part of President Obama’s current political manifesto, is to tackle economy from the bottom up.

Firstly we need to appreciate that the vast majority of the www.S-World.biz groundwork, including the core software, networking, business advisory plans and service initiatives originated from small business applications, at the core of which is the financial model. Of which it took the author 8 years to create the specifications, largely created due to what other software could not provide.

After spending 8 years $300,000, employing 5 financial managers ending up with a blank check to one of the world leading accounting companies, it turned out the software recommended by 80% of accountants that only cost $100 could not deliver.

Running a small business with a couple of staff is generally an easy task to administer, a spreadsheet or journal handed to an accountant or book keeper on a monthly basis adequate. Entrepreneurism however, turning a small business into larger businesses be it ten, a hundred or a thousand is where the problems comes in, as invariably the CEO will have to seed part or all financial control to someone else and hire an accounts company to oversee the accounts.

This opens up the business to many treats, dishonesty and/or negligence from the bookkeeper or admin staff member/members and billable hours and complications from the accounts company. All have heard the adage, “lawyers are not paid to settle” well the same applies to accountants; they are not paid to make one’s life easier or make your business more efficient, often quite the opposite, accountants companies take prisoners.

Accountant’s firm’s primary directive is to charge billable hours, so when an accountant says “You should use this software” what they mean is “If you use this software, you will need to pay us a lot of money to interpret the data for you”. If you ask “Can it calculate my businesses debt/profit balance”, if they say “yes” what they mean is “I have no idea what you are talking about, if you want something programmed, you should go to a software development company not an accountant”
Calculating ones debt/profit ratio is essential for both business decisions and fraud/negligence protection.

Consider this: from Wikipedia US Public Debt.

“The national debt increase during a given year is not the same as the "total budget" deficit commonly reported, due to a variety of accounting complexities involved. These differences can make it more challenging to determine how much the government actually spends relative to tax revenues. The increase in the national debt during a given year is a helpful measure to determine this amount.”

Imagine if President Obama had to make decisions on the “Total Budget” having no idea that the USA was actually losing more money that the accountants were presenting. It’s exactly the same for any business looking at monthly profit and loss figures, such figures do not give the complete picture, business owners need to know the bottom line.

Further if one can calculate the bottom line, one can cross reference it with monthly reports, if the monthly report shows a gain of $50,000 but the actual net worth dropped by $30,000 you know, someone has either made a big mistake or worse there is a hand in the cookie jar.

Creating software that accomplishes both monthly bank reconciliations whist cross referencing to total company worth/debt is at the heart of the Sienna.Gov financial software. Giving the right information to the CEO on a daily basis, on his phone, laptop or iPad essential, if the company is making profit, he can do what he does best, if not he will have to look at the finances.

A double check method (overall profit/loss VS monthly balance sheets) as presented above is an excellent way to avoid fraud and negligence, however linking the software directly to the bank near alleviates fraud and negligence in its entirety and will save businesses owners money on bookkeepers and financial staff. Further making it audit to government standard alleviates the need for accountants and auditors. Including the financial efficiencies gained and the financial staff money saved, businesses could easily find themselves 50% better off. And that’s 50% more to be spent on business, industry and strength.

Unlike current financial software, that seems to be deliberately complicated to make accounts companies necessary, the specifications of the Sienna.Gov software are to make the software for 12 year olds and above, it’s not rocket science ins and outs and a nicely presented overview, with about 10,000 different variations to cater for every conceivable business type and size. Add to that the support crew of tens of millions working from the universities happy to come on site to advise any business owners plus the software being free and Sienna.Gov offers the complete financial software package.

The software will also contain every conceivable bell and whistle available, marketing & branding tools, psychology tests for interviewees and continual monitoring of staff, and many video clips of business strategies. It will of course link directly into the “Global Trade Network” as such ordering or selling goods becomes cheaper and easier.

All these other benefits aside the real advantage, of the software is its capacity to think independently and advise. This is not accomplished by a miracle chip akin to Skynet, rather the business advisory groups across the USA and in time the world, constantly analysing data, answer the call of any that ask.

Combine this with the PQS (Predictive Quantum Software) and opportunities and threats will be presented to all business types, If one owns a chain of Chinese Restaurants, at the touch of a button, one can see exactly what demand there is in any part of the country, staff can be interviewed before even setting foot in the Area and an assessment team will help advise of feasibility and maximum profitability between various sites. If you start with a $4Trillion budget and millions upon millions of staff, one can accomplish most anything, so long as you know what it is you wish to accomplish.

We could literally write a hundred thousand pages on how S-World and EEE will assist small businesses, as that is exactly what S-World and EEE was designed to, the larger economic plans are just an off shoot. However for now, there is more to read, so please trust us when we say any small businesses that use the software and advisory panel will be highly unlikely to fail and highly likely to grow into a substantial work provider and tax revenue earner.

Investment models

Crunch time!

Our first consideration is basic human physiology: People want what they can’t have, as such the leaders of businesses want what they can’t have, our primary instincts to gather and store food for survival dates back to our primitive ape descendents. As such we need to limit the share options available, thus creating desire and demand; in the same way we make the real estate desirable so shall we make the investment desirable.

The first point to note is that this recession and debt crisis, it not caused by a lack of money in the world, it is caused by the destabilization of the West due to spiraling debt. As such countries are no longer considered a safe investment and many of their banks are painted with the same brush. It is not the case that there is no money rather no attractive safe investments.
As such, there is no better time, to offer the world a good investment, and remember what is being offered. At first a real estate venture that even the most skeptical of financial analysts will verify as solid, add the future of global technology, trade and networks, all wrapped up in a branding and PR initiative of such magnitude, the very inclusion of a company in the first round will in most or all cases see their share price increase.

Indeed one EEE initiative is to ask the brokers and stock investors and the public at large to reward first phase investors by purchasing their shares, as not only have they invested wisely, they have made a significant ecological, scientific and humanitarian contribution.

Where ever possible we wish local investment from as many companies as possible, limiting shares to the smallest units possible. This however takes immense organization. As such we suggest making the phase 25% ($4 trillion) available to corporate and big businesses, where after it will be their charge to evaluate and assess the best partners, overseen by the universities, and to a certain degree the US congress.

As for a timeframe, the basic logistics of building the infrastructure, campus and basic facilities will in many cases take a year. This however does not mean we cannot start business from day one. The corporate firms already have operations centres, staff, management and a board of directors. Big business and the corporations lucky enough to be included in the first phase have a lot of decisions to make:

1. Where to position their bases (parameters will be set to create an even distribution),

2. Which industries to choose: S-World, already presents business plans for a cross section of business types, travel, construction, fashion, realty, banking, drinks, energy, networking, software, social networking and retail.

From the first day a think tank of tens of thousands of the world’s finest minds, will be gathered to look at all business types, analyzing, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats whist considering the networks, systems, pr benefits, investment returns, and the flow of money throughout the network. Where ever possible we shall request Universities and other higher education establishments to adapt their curriculum to study and advance the EEE model.

3. Which partners to choose

4. How to best plan their cities

Whist this process is going on, the technology companies will be looking at creating the software and networks, the big four are desired to concentrate on their strengths: Microsoft working on the financial and business aspects, facebook the networks, IMB software and systems to run the cities & Google the work on the virtual world and “per human experience” search engine.

Software of course will need to be created as a single unit, seamlessly and intrinsically connected. Further it is desired not just to include the “Big Four” but all technology with operation centers in the USA, as illustrated in the shares breakup of the smaller territories. The reason for this as the first order of business for all territories is to network, install and adapt the software into local businesses, as such from the start we will need people with experience in the field to start this process and teach new recruits from the local communities.

With these considerations no more than $4 Trillion is needed in the first phase, further only it would be impossible to spend more than $2 Trillion and hard to spend more than one. As such, companies can make payments over a year and $2Trillion can go to the USA gov for the Land (if they have it)

Target $16,384,000,000,000 (16.348 Trillion US Dollars)

First round: $4,096,000,000,000

Round one: Immediate investment
from targeted partners.

There is no better way to create desirability for investment than make investment via invitation only. In the vast majority of cases USA owned companies are preferred, as this will see more brand love and appreciation from the USA public.
We have a number of essential industry categories.

1. Leading & Strategic USA Technology Companies

Here we see a possible split for the first set of options which total $1,024 trillion, one sixteenth of the total investment required. If companies can afford the options of their own back, then they can pay direct. If not they can negotiate deals with banks and financial institutions. We have previously shown, that at least one expansion is inevitable and as such the real estate alone is worth double the investment, with a high possibility of being three, four or even five times.

One possible split would be Real Estate 50/50, dividends and shares 75/25 the technology companies having the greater share.

Borrowing from the banks directly is not desired, unless in terms of currently unavailable securities to be liquidated.

Note: the 16 companies that are chosen for the first round effectively become the board of directors for technical operations.

Options up to $ 1,024 Trillion

2. Other USA based technology & research companies

There are over 95,000 technology companies in the USA, we do not have figures for other research companies, and so we will estimate 150,000 in total as such if each raised $7,000,000 this phase will be oversubscribed. We do need to consider, as merciless as it sounds, that any technology company not privy to the networks and research will have a limited lifespan.

The same principal applies to phase2 as phase one, a split deal with financial institutions is permitted.

Share allocations will be guaranteed at a figure close to $7Million over subscriptions welcome, serviced by pro rata allocations of the unsold options.

Options up to $ 1,024 Trillion

3. Popular Brands and the Media: Pr is essential as such one need to include media and news companies, further sports franchises gain the popular vote as will individual celebrities.

Options up to $512 Billion:

4. Pharmaceutical companies (USA): Due to the intentions to create free pharmaceuticals for the world these are the most vulnerable companies, and in many ways the most useful as they have patents on drugs and vaccines that we desire. Pharmaceuticals are not always the main income source for drug companies, Johnson and Johnson for instance, makes only a third of its income from pharmaceuticals and with 5 of its 7 best selling drugs due to lose their patents within two years, will be open to the idea. With free technology, networks and much cooperation pharmaceutical companies can excel in other industries, especially if they have made patents freely available and as such are benefiting the masses, they will be loved and whatever industries they apply themselves to will have a branding advantage over others. Further the parent companies brand love in other departments will increase

Options up to $ 256 Billion

5. Oil, Energy, Gas etc (Global): With the intention not only to create alternate energy sources for EEE towns, cities and suburbs and districts, encouragement for EEE companies to invest in alternate energy projects for the USA in general, the promotion of alternate energy cars and the suggestion to make fuel cars pay a tax to drive in EEE cities with a view to a complete ban. “Give Half Back” returning money to expand existing EEE energy sources into the wider community and the hope the US citizens in general will pay a little more for green energy in the same way they pay more for free range chickens and eggs. It will be only a matter of time before the USA will drastically cut its oil, coal and gas consumption.

These measures will most likely be the most popular of all EEE initiatives, and for that matter the most needed, if we wish to give our children and grandchildren the gift of flight and travel oil needs to be conserved. The planet needs to have balance, and whist the science that created this economic solution rarely mentioned its vision was generated and made possible by nature itself.

Oil gas and energy companies do not need to suffer, it will take a handful of years to really see a difference, during which time they can invest their profits in alternate energy and create a long term future for themselves, as currently their lifespan is as long as their supplies last, in many cases less than 20 years. The sun will create fuel for millions of years, and with hundreds of millions of people assisting the development of solar and other alternate energy projects, power output will soon rise and as such those that start now, will be those that benefit it the future.

Options to create non energy businesses up to $ 256 Billion
(Options to create other alternate energy projects $ Unlimited)

There is no reason to restrict the creation of alternate energy supplies; this has the effect of not blocking investment opportunities for companies that could destabilize regions. An initiate is set forward in the PQS, USA profit creation section, that these companies receive tax breaks in exchange for working without profit until the USA debt is lowered.

6. Industry/Brand leaders/Corporations:
It is essential to have industry leader such as Coca Cola, McDonalds, Wall Mart etc, for both the network and their experience.

Options up to $ 256 Billion

7. Car, Plane and Transport companies:
The future of the automobile industry lies in cars that do not require fossil fuels, the research that goes into improving power efficiency will in a handful of years see powerful electric cars. EEE in general and the PR machine will reverse the stigma of owning such cars seeing electric cars glamorized and fuel cars seen in a low light.
Advise will be taken on the necessary infrastructure needed to power cars.

Further the desire to not only tax fuel cars within EEE cities but to in time to ban them entirely, few would argue that the future of the automobile industry will be in alternate power.

Considering the mass infrastructure, other transportation companies, such as trains will see tremendous orders, from municipalities and city planners.

Options up to $ 256 Billion

8. Banks and financial institutions
The primary jobs of banks is to wisely and safely invest their customers money, with the real estate possibilities alone suggest a 50% to 200% yield within a matter of years, add the technology, networks, pr and the opportunities to create new businesses with a 25% per year dividend yield, and we will see every bank on the planet will wish to invest

For the software to work optimally, we need to be hardwired into as many banks and finical institutions as possible. However only one bank is needed, all twenty million or so EEE employees will be paid only to EEE banks, as such most will change banks. Add to this trillions being spent of software and networks to improve their efficiency, and an unlimited budget for networking and improving each bank followed by a large monitoring contingent, banks and financial institutions will make for willing partners.

The top 4 US banks alone are holding $7.7 trillion, as such considering the first year will be largely spent on logistics and systems there is an argument that one should work as technology partners with these banks alone.

Of course implementing such a measure with the intent of only paying salaries to EEE banks causes its own problems; this can be solved by the other banks being allowed to act as partners for EEE companies from giants like facebook to sole traders starting off. Not by making loans, rather making a split of the company, facebook’s bargaining power could see a 50/50 or even a 75/25, where the bank pays the investment but owns just 25% of the real estate and shares.

This is still a good investment as facebook will quickly reach POP and make the 25% dividends which is split in 4 would give the bank a 6,25% in annual returns, that grows as more companies are created via POP, plus of course they have ¼ of the real estate. In the case of a new sole trader or struggling new business, the ration could turn around, between 50/50 and 25/75, depending on the situation and the two parties negotiating power.
There is no problem with banks making money from EEE, the more money they have the more they can lend and the stronger they are.

Options up to $256 Billion:

9. Big businesses and Medium Enterprises: Collectively these companies generate more revenue that the big corporations, the systems will need to be tailored to these companies as such they are essential partners. However with millions of such companies in the USA giving each a stake is not practical for the first wave of investment.

It is important to have a cross section of industries spread evenly across the USA; as such we consider 256 industry types, in each state, creating an average investment of 38.5 Million, split pro rata to the size of the company.

Options up to $256 Billion:

This is phase one complete, $4,096 Trillion. The latter 5 categories are extremely restricted in terms of availability, preferred partners assessed and picked, as such demand is high

What makes demand extremely high however is the price being fixed, usually in share floatation’s, the higher the demand the higher the share price until a balance of supply and demand is created. In the case of EEE this does not apply, the price is fixed, as such demand is extremely high, and as such one can pick and choose partners.

Further: As the technology companies come on board, the directors and shareholders of other companies will believe without a shadow of a doubt that the future of technology and networks lies within EEE, this in turn will make the remaining technology companies see their future within EEE and it will snowball.

Lastly and quite possibly the most important factor is “the will of the people” With an end to the recession around the corner, tens of millions of jobs created, many thousands of hospitals, schools and universities planned, and a green future the will of the people will be immense, and as most of the shareholders in the companies are “the people” there is no conceivable way the first phase of investment will be undersubscribed.

All it takes is four men, President Obama, Senator Romney, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, all of whom are good men who have nothing to lose and much to gain including a place in the history of mankind that will be talked about for thousands maybe millions of years.

Round two: Local Investors

The second and third rounds will consist of many different business types, and include individual investors. Again we wish to create desirability, this is achieved by the share options and dividends remaining at the fixed rate of $1Billion per plot and 25% dividends. Where after we reserve the right to increase the entry fee and lower the dividends.

The second phase of investment concentrates on building up the networks and improving businesses near to wherever the new EEE developments are based. With an estimated 11,874 cities towns, suburbs and districts, averaging three per county every business and citizen will be close enough to be individually catered for.

If we look at the $1 Billion plots, $250 Million will have already been invested, below, in no particular order is a breakdown of 20 different business types that will given the opportunity to invest, or incorporate. When we divide the next investment phase ($250M) between the different sectors we see a maximum investment of $12,500,000 per sector. A figure which any one company or individual in any sector could easily raise themselves. As such like the first round, the second round will be vastly oversubscribed.

However as the local businesses and individuals need to be incentivized to adopt the software, join the network and listen to the business advisory board. The previously mentioned possibility of future developments costing more and paying less dividends may well be postponed until year 3. However after the first block is allocated, the additional applicants will be assigned a separate, usually adjacent plot.

Banks and financial institutions are again invited to partner with local businesses that cannot raise the funds.

Round Three: National Investors & POP (year 3)

In the third round we see a similar process to round 2, all be it instead of an even split across sectors, investors will be chosen on their merits. By this time the PQS (predictive Quantum Software) will be in its first phase of operation, as such combined with the universities think tanks, the viability of business success and the value added to the community will be available for all to see. Whist it is of paramount importance to offer local businesses the first bite of the cherry, businesses across the USA working together as a unit, will see great progression.

The priority of investment options will go to POP companies both USA based and international. These are the founding or send phase companies that have been successful, made their profit caps, filled their buckets and expanded.

Whist the USA will be the first country to adopt EEE, Europe and the rest of the world will not be far behind, the economic model is universal, the more “Science Cities” the more communal advances and global humanities will be created, the more technology companies adding to the software, the stronger it becomes, the more companies on the network the more powerful it becomes.

As such by the third year a considerable amount of new EEE companies will have created new feeder companies, most of which will consider the USA the best option for their next venture. This will drive innovation and progress within companies across the globe, creating healthy competition, made stronger by the shared technology.

Needless to say, with all the companies in the USA now freely allowed to invest, and by so doing see priority to their companies in terms of networking, and technological benefits, this round will be oversubscribed, however unlike round 2, there will be no options for new plots, not designated in the original “American Butterfly”

Round Four: International Investors & POP (year 4)

Both president Obama and Senator Romney, advocate open trade with Global markets is in the best interest of American economics. We need to respect their opinions as they will be the work of the finest economic minds in the USA. And for both Republicans and Democrats to agree shows this plan is no doubt in the best interest of the USA.

As such, the final round will be exclusive to international companies, largely or exclusively relying on the PQS to advise which companies will be of most benefit.

In Conclusion

From where we sit now, we don’t believe we could find a single economist or business advisor who would suggest the $16,024 Trillion will not be made within four years.

However due to Local businesses and Energy companies having the ability to invest in additional projects, the total investment figure will be higher, possibly far higher.

Once we have completed phase four, and the network has been strategically developed for maximum benefit to the countries’ economies. Either another $4,096 Trillion investment cap will be set, to keep up exclusivity or it will be an open market, by this time the PQS will be in a position to give solid advice.

It would however be desired for individuals around the world to invest privately, with 7 Billion people in the world an investment of $585 each, will fill a $4,096 block. Such an investment could be facilitated by the countries governments, buying the shares for their citizens in a split fashion as previously suggested for the banks

USA Economic Analysis

What caused the problems in 2000 to 2012?

Economic Analysis 2000 – 2012 (OBM Figures used for total debt, main source Wikipedia)

When President Bush was elected in 2000 the USA was $5,629 Trillion Dollars in Debt, which equated to 57.6% of GDP. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, put simply “what it sells” or in business terms “turnover”. A Countries GDP can be considered as its “performance” as such regardless of inflation, it is a relatively good yard stick to measure against a countries debt.

If at the end of a year a countries debt to GDP ratio increases, it’s been a bad year, and on the other hand if it decreases it’s been a good year. It should be noted that economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff calculated that on average countries with debt above 90 percent of GDP grow 1.3 % slower than others.

In 2000 the USA debt increased by only $18 Billion and by 2001 the GDP ratio was down to 56.6%. 2000 was a very good year, possibly the best financial year in American history. In hindsight, it would have made sense to simply “leave things as they were”, the old adage “if it’s not broke, why try to fix it” would have been well considered.

However no doubt spurred by electoral promises & the opportunity of turning the USA into profit, President Bush put into motion what is now known to be “The Bush Tax Cuts”. On the 7th June 2001 the Bush Administration introduced a tax aimed at economic growth which projected a $1.2288 profit over the next three years. This is what is known as “fiscal policy” the idea being that lower taxes equates to harder work, therefore more profit and a higher GDP and as such an overall higher tax yield.

However no one could have predicted what happened next and its effect on the USA economy as on September the eleventh 2001, a terrorist attack on the two world trade towers in New York, destabilized the USA and Global economies. Not to be deterred however President Bush introduced another Tax cut in 2003 this time aimed at Jobs & Growth.

In 2005 a review showed that the projected $1.2288 profit had in effect made a loss of $581 Billion, with 22% attributed to 9/11 related spending. However the actual losses were worse as between 2002 and end 2005 the USA went a further $2,126 Trillion in debt, an average of 30 times more than 2000. The GDP ratio now stood at 63.6%, with total debt rising to $7,905 Trillion.

2006 & 2007 saw $539 and $500 Billion increases with the GDP up to 64.8%, at this point questions were being asked, most notably Ben Bernanke the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was asked: How urgently should the U.S. put plans in place to address its budget challenges? His reply: "The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be. I think the right time to start was about 10 years ago. Total debt rose to $8,951 Trillion.

2008 brought the banking crisis which saw a $1018 Trillion loss as tax receipts were significantly lower than expected. This increased the total debt to $9,986 Trillion: 69.6% of GDP.

One trouble that followed was for the governments to consider the global financial crisis in the same manner as all that had come before, “a simple rebalance that would pass in a year or two”. However this was not the case, the global crisis was due to first world debt, caused by social security, welfare and medical payments to an increasingly large and aging population, further hampered by pharmaceutical bills becoming increasingly expensive. For example, the number of workers per retiree was 5.1 in 1960; this declined to 3.0 in 2010 and is projected to decline to 2.2 by 2030

Usual methods of fiscal policy (adjusting taxes) and monitory policy (spending on infrastructure to create jobs) did not apply as a solution, rather a quick fix. The problem is created by debt, and as such creating more debt cannot be the answer. Either severe austerity (saving/cuts) or an economic plan such as “American Butterfly” which requires no government borrowing yet increases both tax revenue and creates jobs, is needed. However as there was no “American Butterfly” on the table and severe austerity was an election looser, the status quo and the respective governments borrowed more money to try to spend themselves out of danger. We also saw some very poor estimating by bean counters as in....

2009 having lost significant income due to low tax receipts the year before the government increased their expected tax income to $2.7Billion, only to receive $2.1Billion. An unavoidable $400 billion expected loss was already forecast. However spending went $400 Billion over budget on this forecast. After which a further $470 Billion was spent on “Other” totaling a loss of $1,887 Trillion, with total USA debt at $11,898 Trillion, GDP: 84.4%.

In relative terms, from 2003-2007 the government spent roughly $1.20 for each $1.00 it collected in taxes. This increased to $1.40 in FY2008 and $1.90 in FY2009.

2010: The Obama Administration.
An election promise is an election promise and as such a 58.6% increase to welfare was enacted, alongside a host of other increases across the board totaling 20%, tax yields increases by one percent. All common sense would suggest that debt would have increased by more than the $1,887 created the year before, However it did not as 2010 debt was down to $1,654 Trillion.

In real terms however 2010 was another disastrous year as total debt rose to $13,529 Trillion, GDP: 93.4%. Now at the point where economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff calculated the USA will now grow 1.3 % slower than countries with lower debts.

In June 2010 in the Wall Street Journal, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan noted that "Only politically toxic cuts or rationing of medical care, a marked rise in the eligible age for health and retirement benefits, or significant inflation, can close the deficit and if significant reforms are not undertaken, benefits under entitlement programs will exceed government income by over $40 trillion”.

The “politically toxic” comment was probably directed at the “Bush Tax Cuts” that were due to end at the end of 2010
In August 2010, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that extending the tax cuts for the 2011-2020 time periods would add $3.3 trillion to the national debt, comprising $2.65 trillion in foregone tax revenue plus another $0.66 trillion for interest and debt service costs.

The Bush Tax Cuts, have been hotly debated for a decade, all be it not specifically from a democratic perspective. “The Heritage Foundation” alleges that the Bush tax cuts led to the rich shouldering more of the income tax burden than the poor. While the “Centre on Budget and Policy Priorities” concluded that the tax cuts have the largest benefits, by far on the highest income households.

As such with no political party wishing to stick their necks out on the 30th November the tax cuts were extended for a further 2 years

The 2011 budget indicated that: jobs, health care, clean energy, education, and infrastructure will be priorities; it further mentions investments in science and technology. These are of course the major components of “American Butterfly” The federal budget was increased from $3.6 to $3.8 Trillion, while total taxes and other revenues rose from $2,217 billion to $2,364 billion.

Figures are scarce on actual spending, total yearly loss and GDP ratio

However as of today 1st February 2012 the USA debt clock states that the USA is $15.3 Trillion in debt. Up $1,772 trillion from the end of 2010, (It appears OBM figures are calculated yearly not as per budget months) As such, in 2011 the USA debt increased by $1,635 Trillion.

Based on the 2010 U.S. budget, total national debt will nearly double in dollar terms between 2008 and 2015 and will grow to nearly 100% of GDP However, ahead of predictions, total national debt reached 100% by the third quarter of 2011

In May 2011 Economist Paul Krugman wrote: "What happened to the budget surplus the federal government had in 2000? The answer is three main things. First, there were the Bush tax cuts, which added roughly $2 trillion to the national debt over the last decade. Second, there were the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which added an additional $1.1 trillion or so. And third was the Great Recession, which led both to a collapse in revenue and to a sharp rise in spending on unemployment insurance and other safety-net programs.”

Military spending: The military budget of the United States during FY 2011 was approximately $740 billion in expenses for the Department of Defense (DoD), $141 billion for veteran expenses, and $48 billion in expenses for the Department of Homeland Security, for a total of $929 billion.

The 2012 budget predicts an increase in tax from $2,364 Trillion to $2.627 Trillion, the interesting point to note is that for the first time in recent history, the federal budget has gone down, from $3.8 Trillion to $3.7 Trillion.

Actual figures for the 2012 budget will be available after September 2012

The “Office of Management and Budget” forecasts that, by the end of fiscal year 2012, gross federal debt will total $16.3 trillion.


In July 2010 The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) reported several types of risk factors

- A growing portion of savings would go towards purchases of government debt, rather than investments in productive capital goods such as factories and computers, leading to lower output and incomes than would otherwise occur;
- If higher marginal tax rates were used to pay rising interest costs, savings would be reduced and work would be discouraged;
- Rising interest costs would force reductions in important government programs;
- Restrictions to the ability of policymakers to use fiscal policy to respond to economic challenges; and
- An increased risk of a sudden fiscal crisis, in which investors demand higher interest rates.

In June 2011 the CBO offered a solution called the “Extended Baseline Scenario” that aimed to reduce the yearly deficit to 1% of GDP by 2021 (about $140 Billion a year)

Eliminate all the Bush Tax Cuts in 2012; reduce Medicare rebates to doctors, try to increase tax revenues from the average 18% GDP to 23% GDP. Lower the cost of defense and many domestic programs, to the lowest levels of GDP since before World War 2 and expect interest payments (now $164 Billion) to increase from one to 4% of GDP.

In other words, raise taxes, cut spending and hope for an economic miracle, which fortunately is available via “American Butterfly”

The CBO also offered the “Alternative Fiscal Scenario” which considers keeping the Bush Tax Cuts, and expecting tax revenues to stay closer to their historical average, however this scenario sees Public debt at 190% by 2035 (Note Public debt is in effect only 70% of total debt) as such Total debt would be closer to 300% GDP.

In June 2011 the CBO reported: The explosive path of federal debt under the alternative fiscal scenario underscores the need for large and rapid policy changes to put the nation on a sustainable fiscal course."

Then in September 2011: "The nation cannot continue to sustain the spending programs and policies of the past with the tax revenues it has been accustomed to paying. Citizens will either have to pay more for their government, accept less in government services and benefits, or both.

Given the aging of the population and rising costs for health care, attaining a sustainable federal budget will require the United States to deviate from the policies of the past 40 years in at least one of the following ways:

- Raise federal revenues significantly above their average share of GDP;
- Make major changes to the sorts of benefits provided for Americans when they become older; or
- Substantially reduce the role of the rest of the federal government relative to the size of the economy.

Ben Bernanke 2007 comment: "The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be” starts to ring true!


- Promote economic growth and employment: A fast-growing economy offers the win-win outcome, of a larger proverbial economic pie to divide, with higher employment and tax revenues, lower safety net spending and a lower debt-to-GDP ratio.
- Make equitable trade-offs: For example, taking away benefits from those in or near retirement may be considered inequitable, while phasing out retirement benefits for younger workers may be considered less so.
- Keep short- and long-term issues in perspective: Healthcare cost inflation and an aging population are the primary long-term deficit drivers. Unemployment and various tax and spending policy choices are the primary short-term deficit drivers. Measures to encourage economic growth today can be implemented along with other measures to reduce future deficits
- Invest productively: Some spending can be categorized as investments that lower future deficits. For example, if infrastructure, education or R&D investments could make U.S. workers and products more competitive or generate a revenue stream, these could reduce future deficits. Examples might include installing windows that reduce energy costs, toll roads and bridges, or power plants

Specific Government proposals

- President Obama established a budget reform commission, the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, which released a draft report in December 2010. It included various tax and spend adjustments to bring long-run government tax revenue and spending into line at approximately 21% of GDP, with $4 trillion debt avoidance over 10 years.
- President Obama announced a 10-year (2012–2021) plan in September 2011 called: "Living within Our Means and investing in the Future”: The President’s Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction." The plan included tax increases on the wealthy, along with cuts in future spending on defense and Medicare. Social Security was excluded from the plan. The plan included a net debt avoidance of $3.2 trillion over 10 years. If the Budget Control Act of 2011 is included, this adds another $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction for a total of $4.4 trillion.
- The House of Representatives Committee on the Budget, chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R), released The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America's Promise. The Path focuses on tax reform (lowering income tax rates and reducing tax expenditures or loopholes); spending cuts and controls; and redesign of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. It does not propose significant changes to Social Security.
- The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) proposed "The People's Budget" in April 2011, which it claimed would balance the budget by 2021 while maintaining debt as a % GDP under 65%. It proposed reversing most of the Bush tax cuts; higher income tax rates on the wealthy and restoring the estate tax, investing in a jobs program, and reducing defense spending.
- The Bipartisan Policy Centre sponsored a Debt Reduction Task Force, co-chaired by Pete V. Domenici and Alice M. Rivlin. This panel created a report called "Restoring America's Future," which was published in November 2010. The plan claimed to stabilize the debt to GDP ratio at 60%, with up to $6 trillion in debt avoidance over the 2011-2020 periods. Specific plan elements included defense and non-defense spending freezes for 4-5 years, income tax reform, elimination of tax expenditures, and a national sales tax or value-added tax (VAT).

Summing up

At the end of the 20th century USA borrowing was at an all time low, with national debt at $5,629 Trillion Dollars in Debt, which equated to 57.6% of GDP. Since that time debt has risen to $15.3 Trillion, over 100% of GDP.

This is largely due to a combination of “The Bush Tax Cuts”, The Obama Spending increases, wars and lower tax receipts due to the financial crisis, amplified by an increasing cost in social security, welfare and medical payments to an increasing large and aging population, further hampered by pharmaceutical bills becoming increasingly expensive.

The overwhelming consensus amongst economists and budgetary organizations is that “the Bush Tax Cuts” should not be extended past 2012, however certain individuals like anti tax activist Grover Norquist are making the sensible option increasingly difficult.

All agree that the cost of wars needs to be reduced, many suggest a dramatic reduction.

Without exception, it is agreed that the biggest long term threat is Medicaid & Medicare; the numbers on persons enrolled in the latter expected to increase from 47 Million to 80 Million by 2030. However it is more the rapidly rising costs of medical bills that see the predicted rise from 5.3% GDP to 10% in 2035 and 19% in 2082. By which time if paid in full, all tax revenue will be spent on Medicaid and Medicare; as such there would be no money for any other services, not even a salary for the President.

In 2007 Ben Bernanke the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was asked: How urgently should the U.S. put plans in place to address its budget challenges? His reply: "The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be. I think the right time to start was about 10 years ago.

In June 2010 in the Wall Street Journal, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan noted that "Only politically toxic cuts or rationing of medical care, a marked rise in the eligible age for health and retirement benefits, or significant inflation, can close the deficit and if significant reforms are not undertaken, benefits under entitlement programs will exceed government income by over $40 trillion”.

As such, no government, republican or democrat can implement the measures needed to reduce the yearly deficit to a manageable level without committing parliamentary suicide. As such, the essential tough decisions that are essential will not be made, the economists and the budget makers will be ignored, the USA will continue to lose over $1 Trillion a year, and within a year their credit rating will drop from its AAA rating. At which point borrowing will cost more.

If the global economy miraculously reverts to pre 2007 levels, interest rates will rise, and within a handful of years, the USA will be spending close to $1 Trillion a year on interest payments and according to statistics will grow slower than other economies due to its debt to GDP ratio being over 90%.

By the end of this decade, there will not be enough money to pay for most Medicare and Social Security obligations, this will cause deep distress to as Medicare and Social Security are in effect social insurance programs into which US Citizens have contributed all their working lives.

At this point, the United States of America will be a very different land indeed, the effect on the Global economy, devastating, the effect to world peace and stability unimaginable.

It is extremely lucky, that there is a Plan B.

“American Butterfly”

Using a baseline figure of current losses at $1,635 Trillion, starting at February 2012’s $15,300 Trillion total debt, American Butterfly conservatively estimates, the USA will be in profit by 2015 and in the black (all debts paid) by 2027.

This allows for the “Bush Tax Cuts” and all other current tax rebates to remain in place in their entirety and does not touch Social Security, despite adding in that area.

So far nine areas of savings have been presented, no doubt, once the CBO, BEA and other institutions have added to the model, further savings and revenue streams will be made.

The only contentious issue is “8: Savings Wars” however, figures presented are simply in line with those currently on the table. Should these cuts not be made, it will have a negligible effect on the solution.

It is however highly likely, that as soon as the USA is making profit, more tax cuts will be offered to the public, American Butterfly wished to suggest, that future tax cuts be applied in the main, to companies that are using the Sianna.Gov software to calculate and pay tax. Implemented in the correct way, one could see a different attitude to tax, where one is proud to be in a higher tax bracket, and is boastful of their rebate, nationalist entrepreneurial capitalism at its finest.

Note the word’s “American Butterfly conservatively estimates” the word conservatively is used as the above figures are largely based on the initial investment round and companies created from said investment, it does not address the true ambitions which are to expand exponentially, remember the land procurement stage aims to buy 7 times more land than is used in the initial $16 Trillion phase.

Further: After 2019 no increases are recorded, and whilst further savings are not necessary, increases across all tax creating sectors are expected.

Let’s analyze the 9 profit centers.

1. Tax not collected $350 Billion;
This is based on research gathered by the IRS in 2007, the Sienna.Gov software if free, will save businesses money and time, whist offering increased efficiency and easy to read bottom line essential figures. The network will decrease costs and increase marketing opportunities, the advisory service will be of further benefit. If the IRS calculates that $350 Billion was missing in 2007 whilst $2.57 Trillion was collected, this indicates that less that 86% of taxes are paid.

In most cases we expect that tax is not avoided rather not paid in full, by maybe a quarter of the yield, so 5% to 10% maximum, as such the savings on the system outweigh the extra tax that would be paid.

One does not need to be a part of the EEE business structure to use the software, and to use the network one needs to use the software, as such we believe it’s reasonable to assume that the software runs most businesses by 2018.

The IRS of course, will have less work to do, as such, they will concentrate fully on businesses not using the software, further consider the PQS (Predictive Quantum Software) that will be measuring the flow of money throughout the USA, and tax evasion will be incredibly difficult.

Further consider, future tax cuts being offered only to those using the software, and the public goodwill for companies that use the software as they have new hospitals and schools and the USA is no longer in financial danger, and a general air of suspicion will be cast on those not using the software.

Further consider a referendum for USA citizens regarding making the software mandatory, and lastly consider the concern of businesses that if a referendum is called and they are called to task, the software will easily pick up previous evasion.
Lastly consider a tax amnesty for all who start to use the software.

All in all, we believe a complete end to tax fraud and evasion in the USA, we expect in reality there will be more than $350 Billion extra collected.

2: Usual Business Restored

The totality of the “American Butterfly” initiative dictates that as soon as the first $4Trillion is raised GDP will sky rocket, and at the very least pre 2007 conditions will be restored. Further add the $4 Trillion in land acquisitions, effect of raising USA house prices back and past their 2007 levels.

Further consider the “American Butterfly” system being applied to Europe.

3. Tax on New EEE Companies: This is money made from New EEE companies; it’s possible this will rise to 4 or so trillion a year, cut back to 2T

4. Tax on Small Businesses: The intention is to make 75% of small businesses successful over 5 years not 50%, as such the figures presented are very low.

5. Tax on medium, large and corporations increased due to the systems, networks and software: I know little about large companies so this is an educated guess, we need however to include all small businesses that succeed to medium and large enterprises so the figures are probably light.

6. Saving on Medicare: with 10,000 soon 20,000 new hospitals (all 5* experiences) and free medication a $450 saving of over $1T is more than reasonable.

7. With the USA having no unemployment and a need for about 20 Million more workers, plus retirees welcomed back to the work force a $325B saving is more than reasonable

8. In line with current thinking and strategies, add to this “The Spartan Theory” which basically bribes warring nations to lay down all weapons for Cities and relief, seeing regimes in tribal areas given a split rule ½ normal government half EEE government. (It’s complicated, but simple)

9. Improved government systems, i.e. removing humans from accounting and the “PRS”